SSID Internet Router WiFi 

What is an SSID?

SSID, short for Service Set Identifier which is the network name of a wireless network. Also known as WiFi name, SSID is a sequence of up to 32 characters. It is the name that is assigned to the WiFi network of a router, extender or access point. When you try to connect your devices like a computer, laptop or mobile phone to the WiFi, a list of SSIDs appears. You can select any of them to connect to that very network. How to Find SSID of Your Router? Most routers…

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Internet WiFi 

What is Dual Band?

Today, internet connectivity is crucial and hence understanding how your WiFi works can significantly enhance your experience online. a term that you might come across is dual-band. But what is dual band? Read ahead and find it for yourself. What is the Meaning of Term Dual Band? Dual band, as the name suggests, refers to two different frequency bands, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. These are the frequency bands that a WiFi router or device operates on. These bands are precisely the pathways that your data travels on while you’re…

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how-to-fix-ERR-connection-reset-error-in-easy-ways Internet Technology 

How to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Error in Easy Ways?

Have you ever seen the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error message while trying to go to a website on Chrome? It is very similar to messages like “Can’t reach this page” or “This site can’t be reached” errors. That is annoying by the way and seems very difficult to fix. But, with the help of the tips discussed below, you can fix this error message very easily. What is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET? The connection reset error message appears when you try to access a website online. It means that your web browser or computer was…

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Limit Bandwidth on Linksys Router Per User Internet Router Technology 

How to Limit Bandwidth on Linksys Router Per User?

Limiting the bandwidth usage on a Linksys router per user is a good idea to ensure that the data is not being overused. This also ensures that the devices present on the network are getting reasonable bandwidth access. If you also want to limit the bandwidth usage on your WiFi router, this blog can help you a lot. Basic Principle of Limiting Bandwidth Usage Since all the WiFi router models have different menus and web GUIs, people generally find it difficult to find several settings. But, the most basic principle…

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Connect Rockspace WiFi Extender to My Router Internet Router Technology 

How to Connect Rockspace WiFi Extender to My Router?

You purchased Rockspace WiFi extender, don’t you? Yes? And, want to connect it to your router? Yes? Fab! This post is written for you! A hundred users reaches out to us daily with the same query i.e. how to connect Rockspace WiFi extender to my router – and with glad – we say them – Google has redirected you to the right post. Over here, you will find the instructions that will help you connect Rockspace WiFi extender to your router in blink of an eye. Let’s get started! WPS…

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Parental Control Not Working on TP Link Router Internet Router Technology 

Why is Parental Control Not Working on TP Link Router?

TP Link routers offer its users an amazing feature i.e. Parental Controls. This feature enables you to have complete control over your kids’ online activities and time schedules. But since TP Link router is a technical device, it can often trouble you. Parental controls not working on TP Link router is one such instance. This guide is going to provide you with relevant fixes for the problem with your WiFi router. Thus, if you are stuck and are looking for effective solutions, then you are recommended not to skip reading…

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